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Trixie Trainwreck plays blues and folk the new way with the battle scars of the old themes. From San Francisco via Berlin here comes some loud, over-driven, bittersweet, rip your heart out and wear it on your sleeve blues. Working class folk blues from the church of Bluestrash. Trixie Trainwreck shreds her guitar and kicks out the jams on her bass drum and hi-hat. She takes it as it comes and play it like it is. Because she has to. This will be an exclusive occasion to see Trixie live nowadays. Trinity aka Trixie Trainwreck wrote musical history and this not only in Berlin. She truly is a working-class rock ‘n’ roll heroin!!!
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+49(0)211 778 4411 *
* Montag bis Samstag von 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
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* An Werktagen, Montag bis Freitag 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr